Toda-Cosi, Mireia, Wu, Zhiyi, & Pandža, Nick B (in press). Online Data Collection in Applied Linguistics. In K. Sadeghi (Ed) Routledge handbook of technological advances in researching language learning. Routledge. (preprint)
Wu, Zhiyi, & Hui, Bronson (September 2023). Using a statistical model to assess how reliable response time differences are. OASIS Summary of Hui & Wu (2023) in Studies in Second Language Acquisition. (full_text)
Hui, Bronson, & Wu, Zhiyi (May 2023). Estimating Reliability for Response Time Difference Measures: Towards a Standardized, Model-based Approach. Studies in Second Language Acquisition. doi: 10.1017/S027226312300027X.
Fang, Shaohua, & Wu, Zhiyi (October 2022). Syntactic prediction in L2 learners: Evidence from English disjunction processing. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi: 0.1515/iral-2021-0223. (full text)
Wiener, Seth, Gao, Zhe, Li, Xiaomeng, & Wu, Zhiyi (May 2022). Acquisition of non-sibilant anterior English fricatives by adult second language learners. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation. doi: 10.1075/jslp.20067.wie. (full text)
Fang, Shaohua, & Wu, Zhiyi (July 2021). Book Review: A. Godfroid: Eye Tracking in Second Language Acquisition and Bilingualism: A Research Synthesis and Methodological Guide (2019) 《二语和双语语境下的眼动:研究综述和技术指南》评介. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 53(4), 628-632.
Li, Yan, & Wu, Zhiyi (January 2019). Disyllabic Tone Sandhi and Neutral Tone Patterns in Yichang Dialect. 2018 International Conference on Asian Language Processing (IALP), 1-7. IEEE. doi: 10.1109/IALP.2018.8629205.
‘The role of native phonology in speech perception and phonolexical encoding among Spanish learners.’ (March 2023).An individual paper presentation at American Association for Applied Linguistics Annual Conference.
‘How do language(s) we know influence how we learn a new language?’ (October 2022). A poster presentation at the Language Science Day at UMCP.
‘How are second-language wordforms connected to their meanings?’ (October 2022). A poster co-presentation with Ruirui Jia at the Language Science Day at UMCP.
‘Syntactic prediction in L2 learners.’ (September 2022). A co-presentation with Shaohua Fang at the SLA seminar in the Second Language Acquisition graduate program at UMCP.