Zhiyi Wu

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I am a psycholinguistic researcher and a fourth-year PhD student in the Second Language Acquisition program at the University of Maryland - College Park (UMCP). I work under the guidance of Kira Gor, Nan Jiang, and Bronson Hui. My research focuses on the acquisition and processing of various aspects of second language, including phonology, lexical units, syntax, and semantics, from the psycholinguistic perspective. Additionally, I am interested in examining the reliability of psycholinguistics measures commonly used in second language research, aiming to contribute to the development of more robust methodologies in the field.

In my free time, I love exploring nature through hiking, camping, foraging and kayaking. When I am not outdoors, I enjoy playing with my six beloved kitties.

How to pronounce my first name: /tʂʅ i/ “Gee-Eee” and “Gee” also work

Email: zhiyiw1@umd.edu